Enjoy unique vision of life in this short poem trough eyes of Czech famous beloved alpine ski racer Ondřej Bank!
“My life has meaning as I stand on a snowy mountain top early in the morning, a deserted ski slope below me. Fog tears through the air, the sun reflects off of white snow, and the cliffs are tainted with the morning sun’s rays.
There’s meaning in travelling the world, getting to know it in all its richness and variety, approaching what may come with an open mind. We connect to the environment differently through adventures that can’t be experienced by staying behind. Racing down a slope with incredible speed I know that one wrong move could mean the end. I relish the moment, not thinking about the long traces left by others behind me, nor the destination that lies ahead. I move within the boundary between before and after. The horizon is open, everywhere and forever. It doesn’t matter where I am now, I belong here and there, I’m free. Meaning comes from being in the in between, pushing yourself further and staying true to your own lifestyle.
Be True Be Vagus. ”
Location – La Parva in Chile
Film by Tomáš Koucký
Racer Ondřej Bank